[Statlist] 1st Swiss Workshop on Data Science in Winterthur

Andreas Ruckstuhl rkst at zhaw.ch
Thu Nov 28 14:53:34 CET 2013

Dear SSS members

We, that is some members of the Institute of Applied Information 
Technology and of the Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design both 
of ZHAW, are organizing a Workshop on Data Science. Data science is 
becoming an extremely hot topic andmight be the umbrella under which 
statistics, data analysis, data mining, machine learning and any kind of 
analytics will be known in the business world.

So I am happy to forward you the following announcement:

ZHAW's Datalab invites all interested parties to the 1st Swiss Workshop 
on Data Science. Inspiring keynotes and ample time for discussion focus 
on the topic "Data Science in Switzerland".
Data Science focusses on extracting actionable knowledge from (all kinds 
of, including big) data, thereby enabling new services based on so 
called “data products”. Follow the link for more details.

Link: http://www.data-science.ch/sds2014

Best regards
Andreas Ruckstuhl


Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruckstuhl
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
IDP Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign
Rosenstrasse 3                    Tel.  : +41 (0)58 934 78 12
Postfach                          Fax   : +41 (0)58 935 78 12
CH-8401 Winterthur                e-Mail: Andreas.Ruckstuhl at zhaw.ch
                                   WWW   : http://www.idp.zhaw.ch

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