[Statlist] TA/PhD position in Econometrics at Geneva

Stefan Andréas Sperlich Stefan.Sperlich at unige.ch
Tue Oct 29 14:39:19 CET 2013

Please announce and distribute:

TA/PhD position in Econometrics at the Economics Department, University of Geneva

We are looking for TA/PhD candidates with Master in econometrics, statistics or related fields. The first engagement is for 2 years (position is limited to 5), presently offer a 70% position which can be upgraded later. Teaching is in English and French. The candidate is supposed to conduct a PhD at our department. The position starts Feb 1 or later if convenient. Please provide application via

Some more details are also given on that web-page but for further questions you might also want to contact
Stefan.Sperlich at unige.ch

However, all applications MUST be submitted via the above indicated web-page !

Stefan Sperlich
Professeur ordinaire d'économétrie
Département des sciences économiques  & Research Center for Statistics
Université de Genève             Fax:  +41-(0)22-37.98299
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40               Tel:  +41-(0)22-37.98223
CH - 1211 Genève 4                  Office: Uni Mail 5235

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