[Statlist] Uncertainty: From Insight to Action, 20-22 November 2013

Schaffner Portillo Maroussia maroussia.schaffnerportillo at epfl.ch
Mon Oct 28 13:49:20 CET 2013


We are glad to announce you this event at EPFL, details of which may be found here:


Apart from the general talks by distinguished speakers on the afternoon of 20 and the morning of 22 November,
on 21 November there will be a fairly statistical day (in the new Bernoulli Centre premises, CIB EPFL<http://cib.epfl.ch/PublicDirectionsBI.php>),
with speakers including

·         Paul Embrechts<http://www.math.ethz.ch/%7Eembrecht/> (ETHZ)
Model uncertainty and risk aggregation: An academic response to Basel 3.5
·         Andreas Schraft (Swiss Re)
Quantification of natural catastrophe risk for reinsurance
·         Claudia Klüppelberg<http://www-m4.ma.tum.de/pers/cklu/> (TU Munich)
Modelling and estimation of extreme events observed in space and time
·         Jon Tawn<http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/sci-tech/departments/mathematics_and_statistics/people/jon-tawn> (Lancaster University)
·         Hansjörg Albrecher<https://www.hec.unil.ch/people/halbrecher&vue=contact&set_language=en&cl=en> (UNIL)
On theoretical and practical aspects of catastrophe insurance
·         Johanna Neslehova<http://www.math.mcgill.ca/neslehova/> (McGill University)
Assessing dependence between extreme risks

and then on the Friday David Spiegelhalter (Cambridge University) will speak on the communication of risk.

You will need to register for the event; see


The necessary code is:  SymposiumWorkshop2013

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards.

Maroussia Schaffner Portillo
Station 8
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 693 79 22
Fax +41 21 693 79 20

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