[Statlist] COMPSTAT 2014

Werner Stahel stahel at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jan 8 19:24:36 CET 2014

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                    *** 1st Call for Papers ***

21st International Conference on
COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS (COMPSTAT 2014) www.compstat2014.org<http://www.compstat2014.org>

hosting the 5th IASC World Conference
held at the International Conference Center Geneva, 19-22 August 2014

Sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC and organized by the University of Geneva, Switzerland

The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss recent developments in computational methods, methodology for data analysis and applications in statistics. All topics within the broad interface of Computing & Statistics will be considered for oral and poster presentation.

Keynote speakers: Peter Bühlmann, Xuming He, Anthony Davison.

Scientific Program Committee:
Ex-officio: Ana Colubi, Manfred Gilli, Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi.
Members: Alessandra Amendola, Ivette Gomes, Sandra Paterlini, Anne Philippe, Elvezio Ronchetti, Marieke Timmerman.

Important dates:
 15 April  Abstract submissions for invited and organized sessions
  1 May    Abstract submissions for contributed sessions
  1 May    Paper submissions for the COMPSTAT proceedings
 12 May    Notification decision for abstract submissions
  6 June   Notification decision for COMPSTAT proceedings submissions
 19-22 August 2014 Conference

For further information please contact: compstat2014 at unige.ch<mailto:compstat2014 at unige.ch>

A COMPSTAT satellite meeting will take place in Neuchatel on Saturday afternoon 23rd of August to Sunday 24th of August 2014. The meeting is open only to COMPSTAT2014 participants.

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