[Statlist] BayesComp at MCMSki at Lenzerheide, Switzerland

Alessio Benavoli alessio at idsia.ch
Fri May 15 08:42:04 CEST 2015

After the hugely successful Fifth IMS-ISBA joint meeting MCMSki IV we are
now putting together the program for the meeting which will be held
between 5 - 7 January 2016 in Lenzerheide, Switzerland.


This will be the first year that the MCMSki series will form the
official meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
(ISBA) Section for Bayesian Computation. We have a superb set of invited
speakers including Steve Scott (Google), Steve Fienberg (CMU), David
Dunson (Duke), Krys Latuszynski (Warwick) and Tony Lelievre (ParisTech).

The list of invited sessions includes Hamiltonian Monte Carlo,
Algorithms for Intractable Problems, Theory of (Ultra)High-Dimensional
Bayesian Computation, Bayesian NonParametrics, Quasi Monte Carlo,
Uncertainty Quantification in Mathematical Models and Biostatistics.

In addition we will have tutorials in the afternoons with one session on
Quasi Monte Carlo and a practical tutorial session from the Stan team.
There will be poster sessions on two of the evenings plus
a conference dinner at which we will be entertained by the unstoppable

The deadline for the call for contributed session proposals is Friday

We have already received a substantial set of submissions for contributed
sessions (approximately 12 submissions of excellent standards) but would
welcome some other high quality submissions.

We have two tutorials already set up but there is space for more in
parallel so if there are other proposals they are welcome.
We would like to encourage especially the young ones to submit their work
for the poster sessions: this is a great opportunity to have a feedback
from more established researchers in the field.

The deadline for the call for poster abstracts is Monday 10.8.2015.

Please send your proposals to m.girolami at warwick.ac.uk<mailto:
m.girolami at warwick.ac.uk>

We do hope you will join us in making the Sixth IMS-ISBA joint meeting
Bayes Comp at MCMSki V an exciting and stimulating scientific event and
look forward to seeing you in Lenzerheide.

Best Wishes,

Antonietta Mira and Mark Girolami

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