[Statlist] Research seminar in statistics May 22nd 2015, GSEM University of Geneva
Eva Cantoni
Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Mon May 18 09:01:52 CEST 2015
Organisers :
E. Cantoni - E. Ronchetti - S. Sperlich - M-P. Victoria-Feser
Friday May 22nd, 2015
at 11h15 - Room M 5220, Uni Mail (40, bd du Pont-d'Arve)
TITLE: SVMs meet metric learning
Alexandros Kalousis
University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland
We will discuss different variants of Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
learned together with linear transformations of the feature spaces on
which they are applied. Under this scenario the radius of the smallest
data enclosing sphere is no longer fixed. Therefore optimizing the SVM
error bound by considering both the radius and the margin has the
potential to deliver a tighter error bound. We will present a couple of
algorithms that follow this setting R−SVM$^+_\mu$—a SVM radius-margin
based feature selection algorithm, and R−SVM$^+$ — a metric
learning-based SVM. We derive both from a tight approximation of the
radius and a metric learning interpretation of SVMs. Both optimize
directly the radius-margin error bound using linear transformations. We
will present experimental results and compare them to state of the art
methods such as elastic-net, lasso methods and SVMs. The results
demonstrate that the incorporation of the radius in the optimization
problem brings significant advantages. In addition we will examine other
metric inspired variants of SVMs and their relation to classical metric
learning algorithms such as LMNN.
Visit the website: http://www.stat-center.unige.ch/ressem.html
Prof. Eva Cantoni
Research Center for Statistics and
Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, CH-1211 Genève 4
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