[Statlist] JOB: Faculty position in Statistics at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Anthony Davison Anthony.Davison at epfl.ch
Mon Jul 11 15:02:15 CEST 2016

The School of Basic Sciences at EPFL invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in statistics. We seek candidates in all areas of modern statistical methodology, theory, and computation and their interface with the emerging theme of data science.

The position will be part of the Institute of Mathematics, and is associated with EPFL's new initiative in data science. Depending on the research interests of the successful candidate, there will be opportunities for integration within EPFL's Data Science Centre.  Joint appointments with an allied field, such as computer and communications sciences, are also a possibility.

We seek candidates with an outstanding research record and the capacity to direct high quality research.  We also expect a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at all levels. 

Substantial start-up resources and research infrastructure will be available.

Applications including a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, publication list, concise statement of research and teaching interests, as well as the names and addresses (including email) of at least five referees and should be submitted in pdf format via the website:


The evaluation process will begin immediately.   Applications submitted prior to November 1st, 2016 will be guaranteed consideration.

For additional information, please contact:

Professor Philippe Michel
Chair of the Mathematics Hiring Committee
E-mail: mathhiring2017 at epfl.ch
Please include the tag “[MATHStat2017]” in the subject field of your email.

The School of Basic Sciences actively aims to increase the presence of women amongst its faculty, and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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