[Statlist] CANCELLATION: Statistics Seminar, tomorrow, 15h15 at EPFL
Schaffner Portillo Maroussia
maroussia.schaffnerportillo at epfl.ch
Thu May 26 15:05:03 CEST 2016
Dear All,
We are sorry to announce that tomorrow's seminar is cancelled. Professor Charles Taylor will not be able to fly to Geneva, because of the air-traffic controllers' strike in France.
Friday, 27 May 2016 - 15h15
Room MA10<http://plan.epfl.ch/?lang=en&room=MAA110>
Prof. Charles Taylor<http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~charles/>
University of Leeds
will be speaking on :
Nonparametric transformations for directional and shape data
For i.i.d. data (x_i, y_i), in which both x and y lie on a sphere, we consider flexible (non-rigid) regression models, in which solutions can be obtained for each location of the manifold, with (local) weights which are are function of distance. By considering terms in a series expansion, a ``local linear'' model is proposed for rotations, and we explore an iterative procedure with connections to boosting. Further extensions to general shape matching are discussed.
Best regards.
Maroussia Schaffner Portillo
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