May 2016 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon May 2 10:14:15 CEST 2016
Ending: Fri May 27 16:21:15 CEST 2016
Messages: 11
- [Statlist] Research seminar in statistics May 6th 2016, GSEM University of Geneva
Karen Longden Roure
- [Statlist] Call for Abstracts verlängert/prolongée!
Office SSS
- [Statlist] Reminder: Course: Some hot topics in contemporary statistics
Administration SSS
- [Statlist] Sémin. STAT Mercredi 11 mai 2016- Freyermuth Jean-Marc
- [Statlist] Research seminar in statistics May 13th 2016, GSEM University of Geneva
Karen Longden Roure
- [Statlist] Research seminar in statistics May 20th 2016, GSEM University of Geneva
Karen Longden Roure
- [Statlist] Friday, May 20, 2016 with Asger Lunde (Aarhus University), Denmark
Maurer Letizia
- [Statlist] Research seminar in statistics May 27th 2016, GSEM University of Geneva
Karen Longden Roure
- [Statlist] CANCELLATION: Statistics Seminar, tomorrow, 15h15 at EPFL
Schaffner Portillo Maroussia
- [Statlist] Fwd: [ISCB] CONFERENCE: Early bird registration DEADLINE (May 30th) for 37th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) in Birmingham on 21st-25th August 2016
Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
Last message date:
Fri May 27 16:21:15 CEST 2016
Archived on: Mon Jul 22 12:26:20 CEST 2024
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