[Statlist] Fwd: [ISCB] CONFERENCE: Early bird registration DEADLINE (May 30th) for 37th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) in Birmingham on 21st-25th August 2016
Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
kuonen at statoo.com
Fri May 27 16:21:15 CEST 2016
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Subject: CONFERENCE: Early bird registration DEADLINE (May 30th) for 37th Annual Conference
of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) in Birmingham on
21st-25th August 2016
Last few days to catch the early bird registration (closes at midnight on Monday May 30^th)
for the
37th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)
in Birmingham on 21st-25th August 2016
Don’t miss the opportunity to come and participate in the first ISCB Conference in the
UK since 2003!
The ISCB 2016 conference will provide a scientific forum for international exchange of
theory, methods and applications of clinical biostatistics among biostatisticians,
epidemiologists and other medical researchers.
Over 5 days, we have:
· Keynote lectures from Sir David Spiegelhalter and Diego Kuonen
· 22 invited speakers
· 245 speakers for contributed papers
· Over 200 posters
· 6 pre-conference courses
· 3 mini-symposium
· Student Day
· Exciting excursions and conference dinner at the famous Edgbaston Cricket Ground
Please note that you can register for the pre-conference courses, mini-symposia
and Student Day without having to register for the conference.
Please visit our conference website http://www.iscb2016.info for further
details of the conference programme.
Follow us on twitter @iscb2016 to keep up to date with conference details.
Local Organising Committee Chair: Lucinda Billingham, University of Birmingham
Scientific Programme Committee Chair: Nigel Stallard, University of Warwick
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