[Statlist] PhD position in Biostatistics (100%)

Rousson Valentin Valentin.Rousson at chuv.ch
Wed Oct 5 14:34:16 CEST 2016

Dear list members,

We are looking for a PhD candidate in Biostatistics (100%). The starting date is in principle January 1, 2017. The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS) for 3 years. The remuneration will be based on the salary scales applied by the FNS for a Doctoral student (roughly 50'000 CHF per year). The candidate will obtain a PhD degree in Life Sciences - mention Biostatistics - from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Job description: The focus of the research will be on causal analysis methods and meta-analysis. Causal methods for observational data are becoming more and more popular in epidemiology and biostatistics. It is, however, not always clear which parameter (marginal / conditional) these methods are really estimating. There are also some important issues regarding statistical inference with these estimators. The second part of the project deals with issues and remedies of meta-analyses of rare binary events. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Taffé. He will be integrated into the Biostatistical Division of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP). There will be also the opportunity to collaborate occasionally with the statistical consultation service and be involved in clinical research projects, undertaking statistical analyses.

Location: IUMSP, Biopôle 2, Route de la Corniche 10, 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland.

Profile: Ideally, the candidate should hold a Master degree in Statistics or Econometrics or applied Mathematics or a related field (e.g. Economics with a strong emphasis in econometrics and statistics). The candidate should have a good command of English and French. The PhD thesis will be written in English.

Selection of the candidate: Based on their CV and motivation letter, around 5-6 candidates will be selected and invited to make a 20-minute presentation on a statistical topic of their choice (for example their Master thesis topic or any other research topic).

Interested candidates can send their CV and motivation letter via email to Dr. Patrick Taffé (patrick.taffe at chuv.ch; phone: 021/314 72 56) or to Prof. Valentin Rousson (head of the Biostatistical Division at the IUMSP; valentin.rousson at chuv.ch; phone: 021/314 73 28).

The deadline for application is October 30, 2016 (or as soon as possible).

centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois

Valentin ROUSSON - Professeur associé, mathematicien/statisticien
Département universitaire de medecine et santé communautaires (DUMSC)
Médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP)
Biostatistique et méthodes quantitatives

+41 (0)21 314 73 28  TEL
Valentin.Rousson at chuv.ch<mailto:Valentin.Rousson at chuv.ch>

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