[Statlist] Ph.D. position in mathematical statistics - Tilburg

Pasquale Cirillo - EWI P.Cirillo at tudelft.nl
Thu Oct 6 08:47:48 CEST 2016

CentER and Department of Econometrics & OR

Applications are invited for a

Ph.D. student (AiO) position in mathematical statistics.

The research area is nonparametric statistics including, in particular, statistics of extreme values, empirical likelihood, and empirical and quantile processes.

The position is for three years. Apart from conducting research that leads to a Ph.D. thesis and publications, the successful candidate will teach for a limited part of the time. She/he will be appointed at CentER, the research institute of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management; see www.center.nl<http://www.center.nl>, where you find links to the Department, School and University as well.

Required is education at the (research) master’s level or equivalent, meaning (preferably) five years of relevant university education directed towards a research career.

More information can be obtained from prof.dr. J.H.J. Einmahl, email: j.h.j.einmahl at uvt.nl<mailto:j.h.j.einmahl at uvt.nl>, phone: +31 13 4668208.

Applications including a curriculum vitae and copies of some written work, should be sent to him by email not later than November 10, 2016.

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