[Statlist] Deep Learning Day 2017: Call for Talks / Posters [extended deadline 10th of August]
Sick Beate (sick)
sick at zhaw.ch
Thu Aug 3 15:24:47 CEST 2017
Dear deep learning enthusiasts,
Please note that we extended the deadline for the abstract submission to the 10th of August. Please use the chance to actively contribute to the workshop. See below or directly on the website deep learning day 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> for more information.
All the best,
Oliver Dürr and Beate Sick
Dear deep learning enthusiasts,
We had great fun organizing the first deep learning day 2016<https://sites.google.com/site/sdsdlday2016/> and are pleased to announce a second deep learning day 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/>. We will again organize hands-on tutorials and would like to have an active participation and encourage you to send an abstract for a poster or talk by latest 1st of August 2017. Note that the number of participants will be limited to 60 persons, so poster presenters have a much greater chance to take part at the workshop. Of course you can reuse existing posters.
* Dates:
* Date of the workshop 22. September 2017
* 10th of August extended deadline posters / talks abstract
* 14th of August notification of acceptance
* 15th of August Opening of registration (cost: 50 CHF)
* Location: ZHAW Winterthur (Switzerland), School of Engineering room TB 330 (see map link on our DLD 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> webpage)
* Details on the program, registration and abstract submission can be found on our DLD 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> webpage which will be finalized by end of July.
We are looking forward to meeting you in September
Beate Sick and Oliver Dürr
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