[Statlist] 2nd EFSPI regulatory statistics workshop October 5-6 in Basel

Rufibach, Kaspar kaspar.rufibach at roche.com
Fri Aug 4 08:37:08 CEST 2017

Dear colleague,

Please find enclosed the final program of the 2nd EFSPI Workshop on
Regulatory Statistics to be held in Basel October 5th - 6th, 2017. Speakers
include John Scott (FDA), Frank Pétavy (EMA), Frank Bretz (Novartis),
Norbert Benda (BfArM), Khadija Rantell (MHRA) and many others from
Regulatory Authorities, Pharma, and Academia.

Early bird registration ends August 15th.

Best regards,
Kaspar Rufibach

Kaspar Rufibach, Biostatistician
Methods, Collaboration, and Outreach Group (MCO)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel
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