[Statlist] satRday Neuchâtel - March 14th

Sina Rüeger sina.rueeger at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 21:57:33 CET 2020

Dear R users,

A few of us have teamed up to organize the first “satRday" in Switzerland - on March 14th in Neuchâtel!

A “satRday” is an entire day of talks about applied use-cases in R.

We will have speakers from all over Switzerland: 

- Kirill Müller (R consultant at Cynkra and tidyverse core contributor), 
- Stella Bollmann (President of Swiss Statistical Society)
- David Granjon (Creator of RInterface.com)
- Duc-Quang Nguyen (Data Journalist at Tamedia)
- and many more...

Tickets cost 20 CHF (10 CHF for students).

For registration and more details see:
https://neuchatel2020.satrdays.org/ <https://neuchatel2020.satrdays.org/>

We are also registering interest for childcare: 
https://forms.gle/MLBhkMbgXBUxEhjr8 <https://forms.gle/MLBhkMbgXBUxEhjr8>

Abstract submission for lightening talks is open till 20 February:
https://forms.gle/oqtTkN8uqaJmgHz36 <https://forms.gle/oqtTkN8uqaJmgHz36>

Programme TBA soon. 

For the organizing commitee, 
Sina Rüeger

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