[Statlist] PostDoc position on Physics-Informed Machine Learning at IDSIA USI-SUPSI

Azzimonti Laura laura.azzimonti at idsia.ch
Mon Feb 13 09:26:26 CET 2023

The "Dalle Molle" Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) in Lugano, Switzerland is looking for a PosDoc Researcher in physics-informed machine learning.

The position is framed within the EU-funded project PRAESIIDIUM, in collaboration with an outstanding team of academic, medical and industrial partners from all over Europe. We will develop a prototype tool for real-time prediction of the pre-diabetic risk based on the integration of patient-specific mathematical models and a rich dataset of real-life data. The approach will rely on novel physics-informed machine learning (ML) techniques in order to overcome the limits of standard “black-box” ML practice, while reducing the computational time for simulating heavy numerical models and improving their prediction performances.

*** About the position ***

We look for candidates with a Ph.D. in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, or related areas.
The ideal candidate should have a solid background in mathematical modelling, ordinary and partial differential equations, dynamical systems, machine learning and/or related fields, good programming skills in R and/or Python and a strong commitment to fulfill research objectives.

We offer a fixed-term position (initially for two years, with intent of prolongation) with an attractive salary, in line with Swiss standards and the candidate’s experience.

*** About the application ***

The instructions for the application, and other details of the call, can be found at the following link:

Deadline: 2nd April 2023

*** About IDSIA ***

IDSIA is a world-class research institute on AI founded in 1988, affiliated with both Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI). It counts more than 100 staff researchers and more than 40 Ph.D. students, active in the research areas of machine learning, optimisation and control, autonomous robotics, intelligent networked systems, geometric computing and vision, natural language processing and information retrieval.

IDSIA is based in the beautiful city of Lugano (Canton Ticino, Switzerland), located at the new USI-SUPSI Campus Est of Viganello-Lugano, a few hundred meters from the city center and the lake of Lugano.


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