[Statlist] Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2025
Sebastian Engelke
Sebastian.Engelke at unige.ch
Fri Apr 26 11:29:04 CEST 2024
The call below for an award for young researchers could be
of interest for statisticians in Switzerland. Please feel free to forward
it to suitable candidates and to contact me in case of questions.
*Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2025*
The Bernoulli Society welcomes applications to the New Researcher Award 2025. Each awardee
shall deliver a talk at a special invited session during the 65th ISI World Statistics Congress to be
held in The Hague from October 5-10, 2025, and will receive a funding up to 1000 EUR to offset travel
and other expenses. Bernoulli News will publish their pictures and a paragraph about their work.
Eligible candidates are active researchers in Mathematical Statistics who obtained the PhD degree
on or after June 15th, 2019, and who are regular members of the Bernoulli Society. An extension may
be given to those having had disruptions after receiving the PhD, such as parenthood. Diversity
among the awardees is one of the Society’s goals, and therefore women and members of under-
represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
Candidates should apply through the web form
and send the required documents to the e-mail address indicated in the form.
Deadline: June 15th, 2024
Dr. Sebastian Engelke
Associate Professor
Research Center for Statistics
University of Geneva
CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland
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