[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Seminar: Poster Session
lutz.duembgen at unibe.ch
lutz.duembgen at unibe.ch
Sat Mar 9 11:17:33 CET 2024
Dear subscribers to Statlist,
Concerning the Poster Session next Friday, if you would like to present and discuss a research project but have no time to produce a regular poster, please feel free to print out some sheets with key information on A4 or A3 paper and combine them to a poster type presentation.
Best regards,
Lutz Duembgen
Von: Dümbgen, Lutz (STAT) <lutz.duembgen at unibe.ch>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. März 2024 17:32
An: statlist at stat.ch
Betreff: Reminder: Swiss Statistics Seminar, March 15, 2024
Dear subscribers to Statlist,
This is a gentle reminder of our workshop next week, Friday afternoon, March 15.
We are looking forward to talks by Yuansi Chen (ETH Zurich) and Sofia C. Olhede (EPF Lausanne) plus a poster session.
(You can still register to present a poster. Just send an e-mail to office.stat at unibe.ch.)
A tentative schedule is visible on
With kind regards,
Lutz Duembgen
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