[Statlist] [DS4S] Update

david.ginsbourger at unibe.ch david.ginsbourger at unibe.ch
Mon Mar 18 09:38:02 CET 2024

Dear all, 

We are please to let you know that, subject to capacity constraints, registration for the first Swiss Conference on Data Science for the Sciences (Bern, 11.-12. April 2024) remains open until April 4! 


Additionally, we warmly invite you to participate in our poster sessions! Abstracts of posters can be submitted until March 28. via the following link. 
Several prizes will be awarded for top-ranked posters (first prizes endowed with CHF 1000).   

The Data Science for the Sciences (DS4S) conference provides a forum where experts working on different facets of data science - from Statistical Data Science to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - can meet and exchange ideas. DS4S will feature presented contributions on topics encompassing AI for Medicine, Physics-Guided Machine Learning for Climate Modelling, AI & Robotics, Privacy safeguarding, Causality and Neuroscience. Open Research Data will also be put to the fore, notably via a dedicated session as well a dedicated poster prize category.  

Stay updated on the program and find out more about our speakers and the program at https://www.ds4s.ch/schedule

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Casino Bern on this very special occasion!

David Ginsbourger (UniBE) and Guillaume Obozinski (SDSC), on behalf of the whole team behind the event. 

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