[Statlist] [Conference] ISCB46 - Building Bridges and Expanding Horizons in Clinical Biostatistics

Giusi Moffa giusi.moffa at unibas.ch
Wed Sep 11 10:38:41 CEST 2024

*** ISCB46 - Save the date:  August 24-28, 2025, in Basel, Switzerland***

The 46th Conference<https://iscb2025.info/> of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)<https://iscb.international/> will be held from August 24th to 28th, 2025, at the Biozentrum<https://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/> of the University of Basel<https://www.unibas.ch/>, and the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)<https://bsse.ethz.ch/> of ETH Zürich<https://ethz.ch/de.html>, with the support of the Basel Biometric Society (BBS)<https://baselbiometrics.github.io/home/docs/board.html>, in Basel<https://www.basel.com/en>, Switzerland.

This edition of the conference will draw inspiration from the theme: "Statistical Thinking Across Borders: Building Bridges and Expanding Horizons in Clinical Biostatistics".

For updates and more information, please visit the ISCB46 conference website<https://iscb2025.info/> in the coming weeks.

The ISCB46 local organizing committee are looking forward to welcoming you to Basel.

*** Apologies for cross-posting! ***

Dr. Giusi Moffa | Assistant Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Basel
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giusimoffa/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/in/giusimoffa/__;!!N3hqHg43uw!vl1h_8Hb2NDh0jmNOLyT0UGRW0r4NazymQxNHEQdmwj1HMMMJYwz3qudpVVdPuaLJZdfaS9YLhTc4ia9Q3PX78N1-JM$>

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